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autumn gifts

Hello beautiful humans! Oh, how I have missed writing to you all! 2024 was a much more intense and busy year for me than I ever thought possible.  I also feel like this year has literally flown by so incredibly fast. We had a blended household until August and learned so much with having extra hands to help teach and learn from. We also grieved my father in laws passing and celebrated his love of life. Having this happen in the blink of an eye has really made me appreciate all that I have. 


But also, 2024 has been A LOT. I feel like I am just now coming up for air and it’s been only a few months. 


This has always been my favorite time of year for many reasons.I always feel like taking stock of the year, clearing out the clutter not only in my home but in my mind. Throughout fall and winter-I naturally have a more inward shift. It’s a personal practice of mine that happened naturally over time. This began long before I knew about Traditional Asian Medicine (TAM) and all of the inner/outer connected-ness to the seasons. But it's a self reflection that sets the stage for the new year.


But in light of all that has happened this fall it has been even more important for me-as a human to slow  WAAAAY down and to pause. Much like the crops being harvested, prepared and stored for winter, I too am taking stock of what’s important and what doesn’t serve me anymore.


So often we allow things to keep happening even though they don’t feel good or continually cause a bit of friction. As many of you know, I have dogs. Three of them. They have been an unruly group as of late. We just started with a dog trainer and understanding their needs has shifted the whole feel of the house. 


Being a November birthday girl, I also spend a good deal of time being grateful for all that I have and creating space for time & for being. So as a thank you to all of you for supporting my practice for the last decade, I am including something extra special!


Taking time to reflect, release and let go are an important part of being a healthy human. This season is all about the harvest-the air is cooling down and the Lungs are chiefly responsible for the emotions we feel this season as well as keeping our immune system in tip top shape.


-Things to do this fall to stay well-

  • Keep your neck/shoulders & the back of your head covered to prevent the wind from invading! (ie colds/viruses)
  • Eat warm, cooked and brothy foods like soups and stews filled with the colors of the season-deep oranges, yellows, reds and browns- get your vitamins!!!
  • Your skin is the largest organ. Keep it hydrated by moisturizing your skin daily, put coconut oil inside of your nose at bedtime and stay hydrated. This supports better immunity!
  • Go out and get your vitamin D daily or try using a full spectrum light.
  • Take a walk and breathe in the beautiful colors-bundled up of course! If allergies or health conditions prevent fall adventures-turn on some good music and dance/sing and have a dance party-endorphins are what we are after !!
  • Come in for acupuncture to support immunity, reduce stress/insomnia or just for a pause this season.
  • Process your grief and sadness. So much of the world we cannot control but you can support yourself by talking to a mental health professional, and looking at ways to let your emotions out through connecting with others.
  • Slow down and connect with family, friends and partners (pets too) 
  • Practice gratitude. There is a simplicity to being thankful for what you have, how far you have come in personal growth and in looking ahead 


 Transitions can be tough especially with the darker days and the colder temperatures. Holidays can be a time of joy/sadness and everything in between. Please give yourself grace. Set healthy boundaries and don’t be afraid to speak up for your needs. Maybe skipping a party here or there might be the best thing for your mental health. Do it and know that it’s a gift to yourself.


Here is a thankfulness workbook for you to enjoy with a cup of tea on a quiet day! Process your feelings, get some fresh air and enjoy the season!


Much Love,



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